Medical History
This medical history is important because when combined with the results of your initial clinical examination, we will then be able to access your immediate dental care needs and recommend the best treatment approach.
Be sure to mention everything about your health, even if you don’t think it relates to your mouth. If you have had surgery or a major illness, be sure to include this information in this medical history. Many disease can have significant effects on your mouth and teeth, and research continues to discover ways in which oral health is related to overall health. Diabetes, for instance, can increase the risk of gum disease.
Information about medications you are currently taking can be vital to your health, especially in an emergency. Some medications cause dry mouth, which can increase the risk of cavities or affect the type of anesthesia to be given. When you come to your appointment be sure to bring a current list of medications you are taking to ensure an accurate record.
We assure you that all the information you provide us with will remain confidential.
New Patient
As a patient you have the choice to:
- Submit new patient paperwork directly online; a copy of submitted forms may be requested in office.
- Arrive 30-minutes prior to appointment time to fill out new patient documents in office.
If you choose to submit the completed forms beforehand, it will ensure faster processing of your paperwork at your appointment.
- Patient Registration Form
- HIPAA Form
- HIPAA Policy (Only if you want a hard copy of our policy)
- Adult Health History Form
- Child Health History Form (Under 13)
- Assignment of Benefits (Only if you have dental insurance)
- Sleep Evaluation (Only if this applies to you)